COVID Mortgage Relief For DFW Homeowners
May 7, 2021
The upcoming changes for those homeowners who are behind on their payments
- The foreclosure moratorium on government-backed loans is currently due to expire on June 30, 2021.
- Additionally, the forbearance periods on many loans that are NOT in foreclosure are coming to an end, as well.
- It is not clear whether the homeowner relief programs will be extended again.
- There is a possibility that at least some of the DFW homeowners might start losing some of the protections as soon as this summer
- There is a widespread lack of awareness about the upcoming changes to the COVID mortgage relief programs, and the free resources available to local homeowners.
Learn more to help others in your community
- One of the ways for the DFW homeowners and community leaders to help themselves, their friends, families, and communities is to become educated about the resources that they have to avoid going into foreclosure
- Educational events are available to those homeowners who want to learn more about the subject
- Elena has put together a series of free online resources to help you to take control of your mortgage
click here to sign up to attend
About Elena
Elena is a Realtor with Keller Williams. Before she became a Realtor, for many years, Elena was a cyber fraud investigator specializing in cyber fraud cases originating from the former Soviet Union counties. During that time, she became a passionate consumer advocate. After working in the world of cybercrime investigations and in cybersecurity for several years, she decided to dive into the world of real estate, where she continues to be a strong voice and an advocate for the average consumers facing new and unknown challenges. She has her own educational YouTube channel.
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