It is a strong buyers market in North Texas this November. Many home sellers and home builders are offering the best discounts of the year. The home sellers are advised to wait to sell until January, if possible.
Residential and Investment Properties in Dallas - Fort Worth
It is a strong buyers market in North Texas this November. Many home sellers and home builders are offering the best discounts of the year. The home sellers are advised to wait to sell until January, if possible.
Selling a home often comes with a long, costly, and boring process of cleaning up or working on repairs or upgrades. But here are the good news. 72Sold Home Selling Program can now help you to make 8%-12% higher profit from the sale faster and with less effort – at zero cost out of your pocket!
1. Determine what would a GREAT offer look like in YOUR area.
2. Select not only the ideal price but also the ideal buyer type for that price level
3. Identify strategies to achieve your target sale price
4. Know the art of negotiating the contract clauses
5. Adapt to the market as needed